QRPGuys AFP-FSK Digital Transceiver IIIa

QRPGuys AFP-FSK Digital Transceiver III, w/ 40,30,20m band modules


Transceiver, plus 40/30/20m complete band modules – $60

Four extra bare band module pcb’s – $10


Available soon…


In light of the worldwide Si5351A chip shortage we are offering the new QRPGguys AFP-FSK Digital Transceiver III to anyone with the original FT8 transceiver and VFO until the chip shortage is resolved. A new Atmega328P allows your original VFO to be identical to the new AFP-FSK Digital Transceiver III model.  You will plug your upgraded VFO into the new main transceiver board and experience the full functionality as described below.


The new QRPGuys AFP-FSK Digital Transceiver III for 160m-10m is a low cost, multi-band, multi-digital mode, 5 watt transceiver kit, with VFO, plug-in module kits for 40/30/20m.

The v. III version debuts a novel firmware scheme for our Si5351A VFO which allows a move away from DSB transmission to SSB, by a new process we are calling AFP-FSK (Audio Frequency Processed-FSK). The SSB transmittted signal is generated by a unique process of measuring the input audio frequencies, then through software, producing the RF frequencies (pure FSK, not AFSK) directly by the VFO, eliminating the need for any mixing which creates unwanted sidebands. This innovative firmware and related hardware design changes by Kazuhisa “Kazu” Terasaki (AG6NS) and Steve Weber (KD1JV), allow a 5W signal on bands from 160m thru 10m for FT8, FT4, JS8CALL, WSPR, and RTTY modes. The receiver sensitivity was measured at <0.4uV (-115dBm). The board is the same size as earlier versions, (3.0″ x 3.12″), and all the components are included for the transceiver, VFO, and band module kits for 40/30/20m. Bare module boards are available for additional bands. Each band module has automatic sensing to set the VFO to the appropriate band at start up.

The transceiver runs the popular free digital programs. Some programs require an accurate time synchronization program, such as Dimension 4, or many of the other free ones available. Users will need two generic 3.5mm stereo jumpers to your computer or tablet microphone/speaker jacks on the sound card.

There are all through hole components except four SMD ICs. All the hardware and standoffs are included for compact desktop operation. The connections needed to the transceiver are male BNC for the antenna, 3.5mm stereo jumpers to the computer audio jacks, and a 4.5mm barrel x 2.1mm pin coaxial power plug for the supply of 12-14 VDC. Power consumption at 13.8V is about RX-45mA / TX-750mA. The total weight w/three band modules is <3oz. (82gm). The normal tools required are a soldering iron with a small tip, rosin core solder, small side cutters, and small phillips screwdriver. The transceiver and VFO can be built in an evening or two. On a difficulty scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the most difficult, this is rated at 3 to 4 depending on your experience.


Click here for the transceiver assembly manual


Click here for description of the AFP-FSK method


Click here for the Arduino sketch for customizing


Reference URLS:

Excellent FT8 Users Guide by ZL2IFB

https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx.html Latest WSJT-X program

Dimension4  download  – Coordinates computer time

https://time.is/ – Checks time accuracy of the computer time

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