(tr)uSDX Aluminum Case – $30
The QRPGuys (tr)uSDX case is available for anyone that wants an aluminum chassis replacing the plastic 3D printed one or on a new build that did not buy a plastic one. It is fabricated from 5052-H32 aluminum and the surface finish is Type II blue anodizing, with S.S. and nylon hardware. The three pieces that make up the case are the top, bottom, and a single wrap around piece for the four sides. This case is the same size as the 3D printed case, 90mm x 60mm x 30mm. The case with all the hardware weighs 2.25oz. (63.2g). With the radio included, 5.2 oz. (147.3g). The case can be shielded to ground potential, or left as is. The bottom cover has an area for entering your serial number, frequency calibration offset and specific model. All the nomenclature and artwork is laser etched. All components, S.S. hardware, and rubber feet are included, and only requires a small Phillips screwdriver for a short assembly time. On a difficulty scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the most difficult, this is rated at 1 to 2 depending on your experience.
Click here for the assembly manual.